We gather together in worship services and, equipped and renewed, we go out into the world to render service. You can learn a little more about how we worship and what we emphasize below.
We worship in person on Sundays at 9:30. Our service is also being streamed on YouTube ( We hope you will be with us in worship in the way that is best for you.
Sunday Morning, 9:30
Sunday mornings we gather together as the community of Messiah Lutheran Church. We share in the life of the Christian church with Word (Bible readings and preaching) and Sacraments (Holy Communion and Baptism).
You are welcome to come and fully participate in the worship service. There will be prayer and music and fellowship. There is always food to be had as well.
Please come as you are. There is no need for pretense. God loves us all just as we are. It would be our honor and delight to receive you into our community on a Sunday morning.
Our worship forms and music selections vary throughout the year and throughout the church seasons.
After the service there will be food and coffee. We also have adult forums (Bible studies, other classes, conversations) that you are welcome to participate in.
If you would like to know more about this community please don't hesitate to ask anyone you might meet or feel free to reach out to Pastor Karl.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion (aka the Lord's Supper) is a regular part of our worship. Jesus shared his body and blood with his disciples in Passover meal he shared during Holy Week.
We continue to celebrate this meal in remembrance of Jesus. Martin Luther said in the Small Catechism it is enough if we understand "for you for the forgiveness of sins". If you wish to receive communion here at Messiah you are welcome. If you need gluten-free elements please let us know. If you or your child would prefer a word of blessing we will gladly accommodate you.
If you have further questions or would like to learn more about Holy Communion please reach out to Pastor Karl.
Advent and Lenten Vespers
The church year has rhythms to help us linger in the whole story of God's desire to be in relationship with us and to bring the saving gospel to all who would hear.
Two seasons of the church year that are full of meaning and symbolism and heightened intensity are Advent and Lent.
ADVENT is the first part of the church year and is the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. In that season of the church year we focus on Jesus coming to earth in the manger and also Jesus coming again to bring God's activity to fulfillment. There is emphasis on prophecy, symbolism and preparation. The color of the paraments in the church is blue.
LENT is the time from Ash Wednesday through the Easter Vigil (Saturday before Easter Sunday). If you count the days it is a 40 day season (neglecting Sundays which are thought of as "little Easters"). 40 days reminds us of Jesus' time in the wilderness and also the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness for Moses and the Israelites. There is an emphasis on prayer, fasting, repentance and preparation. The color of the paraments in church is purple.
During these seasons we gather on Wednesday evenings for Holden Evening Vespers (and a simple soup supper during Lent). The worship starts at 7:00 and the Lenten meal starts at 6:00.
Holy Baptism
Baptism is done because Jesus commanded the disciples in the Great Commission to "go and baptize". It is an entrance rite to the family of God and the Christian faith. In baptism we remember God's promises to us and make promises to care and nurture the one being baptized. It is a public rite done in the context of worship so that the whole community has an opportunity to participate. If you have not been baptized or have questions about baptism please reach out to Pastor Karl. His own journey to the baptismal font is rather untraditional for a Lutheran. He would love to share his faith journey and hear about yours.