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Why are we sponsoring an asylum seeker family?


Many people in the Bible were migrants, moving from one place to another, inside their own country or to another country, for many reasons.  Some examples are Abraham & Sarah, Joseph’s brothers, Naomi & Ruth, Mary, Joseph & Baby Jesus.  And intermingled among these stories in the Bible are God’s words:  “Welcome the Stranger,” found many times in both the Old and the New Testaments.   An example: From Matthew 25:  31-45: “I was a stranger & you welcomed me.”  “And when was it that we saw you a stranger & welcomed you?”  And the reply: “Just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers & sisters, you did it to me.” 


It is a part of our identity, as people of faith, to welcome the stranger.  And in these times, with the world experiencing the highest number of people on record “on the move” as refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced people, we have the opportunity to accompany an asylum seeker family through ELCA AMMPARO--Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation & Opportunities.



We thank the following groups and partners for making the sponsorship of our mom, dad and 4 children from Venezuela possible:



If you'd like to help there are many different ways:​​​​​


For helping financially:


You can write a check to Messiah Lutheran Church and put "Asylum Project" in the memo line.  You can then send it to:


Messiah Lutheran Church

PO Box 488

Amherst, NH 03031-0488


For helping with the family directly, like in driving for pre-school or groceries, or providing needed items:


Please contact Doreen Rinas at:





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